January Hero of the Month

Feb 2, 2021 | Hero of the Month

IGN: Ampong
Clan: Sentinel
Level:  105
Class: Yu Mang
Server: New Moon


Bio: My everyday life has always been about work and sleep. Nothing more. When Covid-19 struck, I got laid off from my job. I was living alone and with nothing to do. It was starting to get to me and was about to go crazy within just 2 weeks of doing nothing (no exaggeration). One day, I decided to look for stuff online that would help me pass the time. I came across a Prefect World ad and downloaded the game out of curiosity. I told a friend about the game and surprisingly he knew about the game from long ago and he began reminiscing about how the game was for him 10 years ago. I was very intrigued with his experience since I have never tried playing online role-playing games. I instantly fell in love with the game, from how i was able to customize my chosen hero, to how it helped a beginner like me course through the game well without hassle. Everything about the game was so enjoyable that I was able to enjoy the quarantine days without a single complaint. It felt like I was immersed in another world and I was a part of it, adventuring and making friends with other players. Without Perfect World PH, I would have never known that there was more to me than just work and sleep, I was also an adventurer at heart.

Share with us your unforgettable Perfect World Moment (Can be in-game or IRL)
My most unforgettable Perfect World moment would be the moment I joined a clan. I thought I would be ignored and that hunting would be hard since I had no friends in-game. But everyone in the clan proved me wrong. I was immediately welcomed and help was there whenever I needed one. The game became more exciting with other players to enjoy the game with. Thank you clanmates!

Why you should pick me:
I believe that picking me as the hero of the month will send out a message to other newbie players out there that in Perfect World, even if we’re new to this game, it does not mean that we would be left out from the veteran and strong players out there. There is a chance for us to get to their level with the help of the in-game events that the game offers, so don’t lose hope.

Message to voters:
To everyone out there, be it new or old players, Perfect World has new and better updates and in-game events that everyone can enjoy. Based on my experience, playing has never been so exciting with so much to look forward to. Let’s all hunt together and have fun! 😉

Share with us your personal motto or life lesson:
You’re more successful when you’re having fun.

July 2024