Admit it we love SLAY’ing! Want to be one of the Perfect World Fashions Finest Model of the month?
Duration: April 22-25, 2021
- Must have purchased any of the following from the Item Mall with the same character used in the entry.
- Mix and Match any fashion with the given Fashion item relevant to the theme “April Fool”.
- Download the template here:
- Insert a screenshot of your character Full Front (Pose), And Half body.
- Don’t forget to show your In-Game Name in the image.
- Post your Entry Publicly on your Facebook wall.
- Describe your fashion set and include your IGN (Case sensitive), Server, and Hashtags
#PerfectWorld #PlayParkPH #PWFFAprilFool #DitoMasaya and Tag the PlayPark Perfect World page. - Sample:
- Download the template here:
Criteria for Judging:
Reacts 30%
GM’s vote 70%
Participant: 50 pcs Random Dye (Bounded)
The winner will receive:
- 50pcs Ebony Black Dye
- 30D Fashion Weapon of choice
- Vintage Rogue Fashion Set
“Good thing there’s emergency food in desperate times of training…Haha kidding!”
– “hungry” Erza Scarlet inspired fashion including Swimsuit Top, Hundred-Flowers Hakama, High Ponytail + Long Bangs, and the “ration” Fruit and Vegetable Sword. 

IGN: `Seilah`
Server: New Moon