August Hero of the month Candidates

Aug 27, 2021 | Hero of the Month

IGN: Hymm

Clan: Arkhos

Level:  105

Class: Yu Xia

Server: Sun

Bio:  I started playing back in 2014 and what really caught my attention was its aesthetics and the fashion feature. I am a fashion designer and the fashion feature really encouraged me to play, another bonus is the community of the game. I never thought that I can really build a strong relationship with people I will be meeting in the game. One of the many accomplishments I’ve gained since playing the game for the last 7 years is the friendship that I gained throughout the years. I am very happy since the game moved to PlayPark because the events are so fun and the incentives are rewarding. I was recently hailed as the first Ms. Bikini Open 2021 and I am so proud of this achievement because it’s a collective effort with my in-game friends it was such a fulfilling experience because we were able to win such a huge event with all our efforts.

Why you should pick me:

When the pandemic started my go-to place was Pangu. I spent most of my time in-game because we couldn’t do much with the lockdown that happened. If it was the other way around I would’ve dealt with it differently and with much challenge which is why I am thankful that I was able to talk to people even just in-game throughout the pandemic.  An HotM I think should serve as a role model to others. I remember when I was starting in Spectre now Arkhos I have had a lot of help from the past HotMs in the likes of Melusine, Syntrex, Keziah and many to mention. They exerted efforts in helping us newbies to be successful in the game and I took it as an inspiration for me to be someone who can help others who’s starting out in the game.

Motto or life lesson:

Always have a backup plan.


IGN: Mambaaa

Clan: Alliance

Level: 103

Class: Yao Shou

Server: Sun


I started playing last year of August. Being trustworthy and a clan master I can say that this is one of the best accomplishments that I have. Positive feedbacks from my members is really worth it and the reason why I keep on improving. I played Ran Online,Defense of the Ancient and I was the captain of my DOTA team. I started playing last year of August only but I heard the old servers from my members like dragon, tiger, serpent Phoenix and chimera. I recommend perfect world to all the players around the world because they can choose so many roles in this game, especially the graphics and I know they will enjoy the game.

Why you should pick me:

I should be the hero of the month because “part of being a person is about helping others”. and I thank you.

Motto or life lesson:
If you fall 1 time stand up 9 times.


July 2024