Blazing Wings: Clan Recruitment

Feb 27, 2024 | News, Notice

February 28- March 31, 2024 (EXTENDED!)

For Clan Master
– All Clan Masters in Sun and New Moon Server are eligible to join. [Newly created Clans are also allowed to join].
– Clan Masters can recruit as many New Players as they can to the registered clan. [New Players must use NEW ACCOUNT created on or After February 28, 2024]
– If your clan is full, you have the option to utilize another clan in the recruitment process.
– Clan Master must register their Clan here: [Click here]
– For every 3 recruited New Players that will reach Rebirth 2, 101, he will be entitled to give 1 existing veteran member a recruiter reward.
*The veteran players are eligible to receive rewards only once; if they recruit more than 3 players, rewards can be counted for another member.
This will give a chance for an existing member to help the clan master to recruit a New Player.
– Veteran Clan Data will be based on March 04, 2024, members.
– Leaving the clan may forfeit the members’ reward.
– Clan Master will be given their official Clan Member list within the event duration.
– Clan Master will be given an official list of their new members after the event period.
–  All registered Clan Masters are given 7 days after the event duration [APRIL 1-7, 2024] to submit their recruitment list.
– The Clan Master will E-mail the official list of recruiters in this format:

– Ensuring inbox delivery: Avoid spam by refraining from multiple entries with one email and using legitimate email addresses.

For New Players
– Create a NEW Account on any server
– Create a character (Must be Alphanumeric only, should not start with 0, “, ‘, and must not have special characters)
– Perfect World Account must be created starting February 28, 2024

• A New Player may transfer Clan, he will be counted as a recruited player of the LAST clan he joined.


Astrobana lv 2 x100 Additional reward to Recruiter.

-Veterans will only get, the veteran reward, they will not be eligible for the newbie reward.
-Newbies will only be registered once per recruiter/veteran. all recruits will get a newbie reward.
-New characters will not be eligible for the veteran reward.

The Clan with the most Rebirth2 level102 recruit:

The highest number of recruits secures 25k Worth of Gold Items for their clan

(Bound and limited purchase items not included)

For Questions and concerns, you can message PW Official Page
Event Rewards will be mailed within 7-14 working days after the event including the submission of list.

2/28/2024 Updates
-[New Players must use NEW ACCOUNT created on or after February 28, 2024]
-For every 3 recruited New Players that will reach Rebirth 2, 101, he will be entitled to give 1 existing veteran member a recruiter reward.
-Veterans will only get, the veteran reward, they will not be eligible for the newbie reward.
-Newbies will only be registered once per recruiter/veteran. all recruits will get a newbie reward.
-New characters will not be eligible for the veteran reward.

3/15/2024 Update
Extended event duration up to March 31, 2024

*Disclaimer: Contest rules/prizes are subject to change without prior notice, In the event of any revision, the team will specify the reason and the effective date of such amendment.
By joining this event, players agree to abide by the rules as stated in the contest mechanics.
The decision of the GMs and the Perfect World Team is considered final and irrevocable







July 2024