Christmas 8k Bundle

Dec 25, 2021 | Events, Item Mall

Here’s an Exclusive Christmas Offer!

Duration: December  25, 2021 (12 AM) – December 27, 2021 (11:59 PM)

For every 150 Gold worth of Item Mall Purchase, you’ll get 1 Soul Summon Media.
(This item is NOT tradable.)

AND! as our Christmas Celebration is continuous,

• For those who reached 1,000 Gold and above worth of purchase, you will receive a Royal Glow Fan(Random Awesome Flight).
(This item is NOT tradable. Once only per account)

• For those who reached 8,000 Gold and above worth of purchase, you will receive:
1 Royal Glow Fan (This is additional from the 1k purchase)
1 Dragon Tamer Lasso (Random Awesome Mount)
10 GM Lamb
5 Arcstar Dust: Ether(Material to upgrade your T17 Ring to a much powerful one “3rd recast”)
Pack: Brand New Tiger (Homestead Trophy)

(These items are NOT tradable. Once only per account)

Purchase Example:

Player 1 purchases 50 Nebular Dust Orb worth 500 Gold. He/she will receive 3 Soul Summon Media.
Player 2 purchases 1 War Avatar Treasure Box worth 50 Gold. The player will NOT receive any item because he/she didn’t meet the criteria for the reward.
Player 3 purchases 100 War Avatar Essence (500 Gold) and 20 Lucky Box (500Gold), with a total of 1,000 Gold purchases. The player will receive 6 Soul Summon Media + 1 Royal Glow Fan.
Player 4, with a total purchase of 20,000 Gold, the player will receive 133 Soul Summon Media + 2 Royal Glow Fan, 1 Dragon Tamer Lasso, 10 GM Lamb, 5 Arcstar Dust: Ether, Pack: Brand New Tiger.

July 2024