Fawks Inferno

Nov 16, 2022 | Item Mall, News, Notice

                                                     Fawks Inferno

Is now available on our Item Mall grab yours now.

This new box gives you a chance to gain a GM 2019 Jan Lion Egg, Inky Veil Fashion Pack and Divine Wings: Emerald!

Five Cents
Please use this item at Perfect Trade Official’s place.

 Golden Five Cents
Please use that item at Perfect Trade Official’s place.

 Perfect Doubleplus Scrip
Take this scrip to the Perfect Trade Official in order to claim your chosen prize.

Dustfall: Sculpt
Can reforge the Rank 8 equipment of Maze power at Dustfall: Spirit of the Forge.

Accessory Socket Stone
Item for adding sockets onto Accessories. Usable at any Perfect Trade Official.

 Astrobana Pearl Ultimate
Empowered with strong astral souls. Can be infused into a Star Chart by conducting Astral Infusion.

Engrave Token
Materials required to reforge Military Equipment.
Can be found by completing the Challenge of the Tenfold Ways in the Clan Headquarters.

Spirit Chisel
Now that it is revealed to the world, all factions will be fighting for it.
It can be used to engrave various gear, and can give the user the option to gain new attributes, or keep the old ones.

 Magical Inverse Tablet 
You can go to Universal City – the Flight Speed Enhancement tripod
to unseal Hidden Dragon Cave Flights.

Goldfoil: Spirit Stone
Right click to use. Help the Palette of Fortune to merge
Fire Soul Stone II x1
Water Soul Stone II x1
Earth Soul Stone II x1
Wind Soul Stone II x1
The Palette of Fortune will pay you Perfect Voucher x6

Penetration Soul Stone
A stone filled with mystic powers. Can be fused with Tier 12 or higher equipment.
Weapon: Attack Rating +1
Armor: Attack Rating +1

Resilience Soul Stone
A stone filled with mystic powers. Can be fused with Tier 12 or higher equipment.
Weapon: Defense Rating +1
Armor: Defense Rating +1

 Fire Soul Stone
A Soul Stone filled with mystical power for accessories only.
Can be fused with Tier 8 or higher accessories.
Effect: Def +60

 Water Soul Stone
A soulgem filled with mystical power for accessories only.
Can be fused to Lv8 or higher accessories.
Effect: Elemental Defense +60

 Earth Soul Stone
A Soul Stone filled with mystical power for accessories only.
Can be fused with Tier 8 or higher accessories.
Effect: Con +6

 Wind Soul Stone
A Soul Stone with mysterious energy that can be used on Accessories.
Can be fused with Tier 9 or higher accessories.
Effect: Ex Rating +12

Rocket Soul Stone
A Soulstone filled with mystical power for accessories only.
Can be fused with Tier 12 or higher accessories.
Effect: Atk Rating +1

Flare Soul Stone
A Soulstone filled with mystical power for accessories only.
Can be fused with Tier 12 or higher accessories.
Effect: Def Rating +1

GM G1 Moonlight Crystal Pack
Right click to get: G1 Moonlight Crystal

Moonstone of Punishment
The item can be used in Dusk Synthesis Cauldron and exchanged for one of the following helmets:
★★★Lionheart Helm. Unyielding
★★★Shadow Ashura Helm. Fearless
★★★Archangel. Righteous
The item can also be used in Dusk Legacy Cauldron and upgrade Ascension Crown, PCW Helm or Rank 8 Crown
to the helmets mentioned above.

★★★Ascension Crown

Transcendence Orb
This item can be used at White Emperor Jade Snowder to upgrade the rings
Hand of Heaven Dominion or Hand of the Skystriker to Catastrophic and Cataclysmic
Heaven Dominion or Skystriker respectively.

 Dream Spirit Jadepad
An extremely precious item.
Can be used at Light Envoy Jade Snow
to upgrade R9 1st Recast Ring to Heavenly Judgement Ring.

Jaden Crystal
You can trade this to Jade Market Lei Flan (551 626)for a Celestial Resonance Ring or Exotic Chaos Belt.

Blue-Sea Mystical Crest
Causes mysterious effects upon refining Divine Inscriptions.
Level 1-10 Divine Inscriptions refining is 100% successful.
The ancestors show us the history, the truth, and the right way to live.


It has its own default skill which gives 2 Chi if level 100, begins with 10 of each attribute, and has a guaranteed 100/100 Random Points.

The World
Chant Time-5%
Attack Interval-0.05 s
Flowing outside of time and space,
Invincible, unstoppable, a wry inevitability!

Dustfall Ultimate Artifact
Can be used at Cauldron of Ascension in Dragon City to upgrade the new Rank 8 gears to Supreme glory equipment.

 Divine Scroll
Can be exchanged for Divine Inscriptions.

Scroll of Heaven’s Mandate
Used to craft Tier-5 Inscriptions at the Divine Inscriptions furnace in Universal City.

Warsong Commander’s Badge
Can be exchanged for a Warsong Baldric. Take this to the Perfect Trade Official in order to trade for a Warsong Baldric.

Seal of the Board
The seal of the Cube of Fate’s board of directors. Take this to the Perfect Trade Official.

 ★★Hand of the Skystriker

 ★★Hand of the Skystriker

★★Matchless Wing

Dustfall Relic
Used to upgrade Rank 8 Awakened armor at the Dustfall.

Dustfall Artifact
Used at Light Envoy Jade Snow or Jaden Collector Tansen to craft a Rank 8 Reborn helmet.

 GM LV4 Glyph Pack
Right-click to obtain 1 of a random Lv4 Glyph.

 GM LV7 Glyph Pack
Right-click to obtain 1 of a random Lv7 Glyph.

War Avatar Chest S
This chest contains a S-grade War Avatar.
EXP increased after being consumed: 5
Right-click to use.

Dull Profaned Wood
A dull piece of wood that can be refined into a Dragonbreath material.

Dull Zenith Skull
A dull piece of bone that can be refined into a Dragonbreath material.

Dull Draconic Essence
A dull orb of energy that can be refined into a Dragonbreath material.

GM 2019 Jan Lion Egg


You may use the   Encyclopedia for item description and the  Codex for Fashion / Flight / Mount viewing.

July 2024