Hero of The Month of September 2021

Sep 30, 2021 | Hero of the Month

IGN: Toutetsu

Clan: Arkhos

Level:  105

Class: Jian Ling

Server: Sun

Bio: I started my expedition on this game way back 2009. I was attached with the gameplay and its capability to fully customize your character base on your desire. There was even a time I tried playing the mobile counterpart, but there’s no way that it will be on par with the fascination that I have developed with the game. One of my few accomplishments would be joining our Guild (Arkhos), as this opened a lot of opportunities for me, not only on the aspect of strengthening my character but as well, the different fun moments that I had with them that would forever be treasured. Indeed, my gameplay would never be this fun without Clan Arkhos and Boobies Extension.

Unforgettable Perfect World Moment:
One of the most unforgettable moments I had in-game was when I met my core friends that pushed me to continuously improve my craft. As I journeyed with them, they have been my inspiration on making my character strong especially during our territorial wars. I would never forget the time when I had my 1st territorial war with the Arkhos Clan, the fun and excitement that I felt when I was playing with them. I’ve been in the clan through ups and down, but one thing is for sure, the people in clan valued our friendship and camaraderie more than anything else, and I think that’s what matters the most.

Why you should pick me:
With the love and affirmation coming from my friends and clanmates, I believe that I should be the hero of the month because I want to be an inspiration of our community. With the prestige and honor of becoming the “Hero of the Month”, this would be a great avenue or platform to share my experiences in-game, on how the different memories become best experiences, on how this game could be light, a beacon of hope for people who have struggles and setbacks on the different aspects of their lives. I believe that this could pave a way to tell everyone, not only for those whom I met in game but on the different walks of life, that this game is convivial in all aspects.

Message to voters:
Being included on the roster of the possible winner for this honor is already an achievement, but if given the opportunity, I would humbly ask your support guys to choose me as your hero of the month. Why? Because I strongly believe that I could be an asset of the community. Remember that as a hero, you should be an epitome of peace, an ambassador of camaraderie, and has strong kinship among your guild members. I also believe that the love and dedication that I manifest for the game is in par to the efforts I render to my professional work. I always ensure that there would always be life-work balance and that includes the family and friends that I have in the community.

Motto or life lesson:
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Be grateful for every moment as life unfolds. So, enjoy today, as yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. Just like Perfect World, a beautiful destination that we did not expect that we could have. Ad dei gloriam!

July 2024