January In-game Event 2023

Dec 30, 2022 | Events, News, Notice

2022 is already over Let the old year end and the New Year begin with the warmest of aspirations.
This Year we wish you all the best. May the new year bring you warmth, love, and light to guide your path to a positive destination.

Lets celebrate our January with this events.

Monday to Friday
Event start: January 2, 2023
Snowman will appear on Perfect World Cities every Monday 11AM to Friday 7PM this January.
Gather with your friends and kill all the snowman.


Monday Madness

Note (from December Event):
Start Date: December 19, 2022
End Date: January 9, 2023
Heaven Celestial Stone, Earth Celestial Stone, and Common Celestial Stone will be bought by the GM’s for 35,000 Yuan! 

From January 16, 2023
Every Monday
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM ( Sun )
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM ( New Moon )

At Universal City the GM will summon mobs during the said time.
Collect all the Celestial Stone from the mobs and sell them!
Heaven Celestial Stone, Earth Celestial Stone, and Common Celestial Stone will be bought by the GM’s for 30,000 Yuan!
Location: Granny Jin Hua on Dragon City South


Event Start date:
January 10, 2023

Kill the GM

Every Tuesday 6-7 PM @ Everglace
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Imperial Vanquisher
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Divine Defenders

Go to Everglace and Kill GM Nova
At least 10 players in white name should be present for the event to continue.

Title: GM Slayer
Azure Cosmos Dust 50 for last hitter (A character can only win once per week)


Tournament Valor

Event Starts on January 5, 2023
Players who are above Level 100 after Reawakening twice can participate.
Talk to Tournament Warrior Agent (533. 632)
Sign up during 19:50 – 20:00 on Thursday
Reach/Pass Silver tier to be eligible for rewards

50 Saintess Tear


Friday – Sunday

Dungeon Challenge: Uncharted Palace

Dungeon Challenge: Uncharted Palace
Event start Date: January 6, 2023
Every Friday- Sunday
(Due to login Issue January 6-8, 2023. You’ll only need to clear the dungeon once to be eligible for the reward.)

Look for Party Members, this dungeon cannot be done alone.

Get your Silent Sea Sandgrain from Swordsman Zenray
Enter the Uncharted Paradise from the same NPC
You will automatically receive a daily dungeon quest “Travel in Uncharted Paradise” (It is important that you have the quest.)
Finish the quest to be eligible for the reward
Make sure you got the “BloodSpirit Stone”
Do this 2x and you will be eligible to the reward,

Engraved Ring of Twilight 12pcs
Devilblade 7pcs
Absurdity of the Illusion Lord 1pcs

Materials used to create
Sacred Twilight Gears / Leggings


Be Eligible for at least 3 weeks this month and get additional
15 Arctstar Dust Truth
4 Arctstar Dust: Mind
2 Arcstar Dust Ether



ALL Rewards will be mailed within 7-14 days after the event.

*Disclaimer: Contest rules are subject to change without prior notice. By joining this event, players agree to abide by the rules as stated in the contest mechanics. The decision of the GMs and the Perfect World Team is considered final and irrevocable.


February 2025