June In-Game Event

Jun 3, 2024 | News

Monday Trivia

Sun- 18:00 – 18:30
New Moon- 18:30-19:00

– Log in to the game ahead of the appointed time.

– In game the GM will announce 10 questions to be answered by the players

– First player to answer the trivia wins

– There will be a limit of 10 rounds each server

– A character can only win once per event

Rewards: Siamese Fruit [tradable]


Tuesday Hunting

Sun-18:00 – 18:30
New Moon- 18:30-19:00

– Log in to the game ahead of the appointed time.

– In game to mark the start of each round, the GM will announce “Treasure Hunting starts at _____” indicate the location

– The GM will be dropping items a total of 10 items per week

– There will be a time limit of 5 minutes as the dropped items disappear after the mentioned time




Every Wednesday Valor Crafts

Every WEDNESDAY, if you craft the specific item and quantity
at the Tripod of Attendance in Dragon City North (550, 675)

1 Ruler’s Sigil = 10 Astrobana Pearl Ultimate [bounded] Redeemable once per character / weekly

Every Thursday: Platinum Tournament

Join the Thursday tournament and if you’re one of the players who received a Platinum Emblem you’ll get additional rewards!

The Thursday tournament will feature a rotating monthly reward, with the Manteau and Ring mats taking turns as the featured prizes.

Players who are above Level 100 after Reawakening twice can participate. Talk to Tournament Warrior Agent (533. 632)

Sign up during 19:50 – 20:00 on Thursday

Reach/Pass Platinum-tier to be eligible for rewards

Make sure to get a “Platinum Emblem” to be eligible for rewards.



2 Float Wedding Candy
2 Arcstar Dust Light

Receivable once per month:
185 Arcstar Dust: Truth
25 Arcstar Dust: Mind
4 Arcstar Dust: Ether
1 Arcstar Dust: Divine

Champion: [PHXTournaChamp]
2 Dustfall Artifacts
2 Arcstar Dust: Light

Dungeon Challenge:

Saturday to Sunday

June 8-9
June 15-16
June 22-23
June 29-30

Whispering Mausoleum

  • Look for Party Members, this dungeon cannot be done alone. 
  • Enter the “W.Mausoleum” dungeon by Dream Stone or teleporting to Neverfall at Gate of Cycles
  • Enter the Dungeon through the NPC Soulless Wanderer  “Entering Whispering Mausoleum”
    You need the item “Relic of Wonder: Weapon” for the quest to appear.

Finish the quest  “Instance Whispering Elegy”  1x within the event period to be eligible for the reward.


  • 10 Whispering Mausoleum Treasure
    It contains:

Rough Iron Shard x1
Rough Bloodstone Shard x1 (not guaranteed)
Skyhigh: Ether Jade x1 (not guaranteed)
Zenith Skull x1 (not guaranteed)
Golden Glyph Lv4 x1 (not guaranteed)
Verdant Glyph Lv4 x1 (not guaranteed)
Ethereal Glyph Lv4 x1 (not guaranteed)
Sanguine Glyph Lv4 x1 (not guaranteed)
Argent Glyph Lv4 x1 (not guaranteed)
Zenith Skull Shard x1 (not guaranteed)
Empyreal Purple Dragon Scale x1 (not guaranteed)

  • 2 Ringstar Weave: Cloud
  • 2 Arcstar Dust: Light
  • 1 Glyph Pack LV8 NU


*Disclaimer: mechanics are subject to change without prior notice if deemed appropriate.
By joining this event, players agree to abide by the rules as stated in the contest mechanics.
In the event of any revision, the article will be updated to specify the reason and the effective date of such amendment.

The decision of the GMs and the Perfect World Team is considered final and irrevocable.

July 2024