Pyrolympic 2022

Jan 28, 2022 | Events, News

This Chinese New Year will be celebrated with a bang with the opening of the Perfect World Pyrolympics 2022.
Calling all the masters of this ancient art, share with the Perfect World community your clan’s skill and creativity in this contest that will surely light up the sky.

The Perfect World Pyrolympics 2022 is open to all Perfect World Clans. Beginning January 30, 2022, until February 7, 2022 (11:59 PM), PW Clans may register by sending the following information to using the subject [PW Pyrolympics 2022] [CLAN NAME]

Clan Master’s Facebook Link:
Clan Name:
Clan Master’s Character Name
Clan Server:
Contact Number:
List of participants will(receive 500 Valor Tokens):
Attach Files:
-Screenshot of your Clan Window with a minimum of 20 online Members
-2 Screenshot of your clan members together with a minimum of 10 Members
-High-Resolution Clan logo

  •  Only a maximum of ten(10) clans may register per server. There should 15 members present during the event proper.
  • The participating clans may use as many fireworks as they wish.
  • GMs have the right to penalize any player or clan that will violate the Mandate of Heaven during the event. When the GMs call the clan, the clan will have ten (10) minutes to set up. Clans who fail to present themselves after the time limit (missing members, incomplete set up, etc.) will forfeit their slot.
    A new clan may present to take their place at the discretion of the GMs.
  • All the tradable prizes will be awarded to the registered Clan Master
  • GMs will add the registered Clan Masters to the Pyrolympics Chatroom thirty (30) minutes before the start of the event. This is to prepare for the event.
  • The participating clan should go to their desired location and the Clan Master will take the GM to the location before the start.
  • Once the GMs have arrived at the location and given the GO signal, the Clan may start their fireworks display.
  • The clan must assign 1 member to capture/record their entire performance and submit the raw video file within the day of the event.
    (Must be the best view and must show all fireworks as possible, this will be the basis of judging.)
  • The participating clan will be given three (3) minutes to show their Fireworks display.

GMs will choose 3 winners based on the following criteria:
Creativity – 70%
– Ground – 20%
– Aerial – 25%
– Venue – 25%
Presentation – 30%

Winning clans will be announced a week after the event.

February 11, 2022

Sun Server: 8:00 PM
New Moon Server:  (After Sun server)

*30 Golden Five Cents will be given to qualified clans.

Pyrolympics 2022 Prize (Overall)


The GM Team may revise and amend these mechanics, if necessary, at its own discretion.
In the event of any revision, the team will specify the reason and the effective date of such amendment.
The decision of the GMs and the Perfect World Team is considered final and irrevocable.

July 2024