Day: February 9, 2016

February Item Mall Update

February Item Mall Update

Our latest ITEM MALL update! Now available in our Item Mall are hot new fashion sets –  CNY Cheongsam Set for the ladies and Black Shoulder Woolen Set for the gents. That’s not all. Available for a limited time only is our World Comer. Our special box will be in our Item Mall starting this February 8, 2016 all the way until March 7, 2016. Get it while it’s HOT! And because it's Love Month we have a 20% discount on the following items from Feb. 8 - Feb. 22, 2016.

Happy Birthday GM Nhevahya

Happy Birthday GM Nhevahya

Show your love for our favorite GM by sending him your own greeting cards or fansigns and you might even get awesome goodies! Here’s How: Create your own greeting card or fansign for GM Nhevahya on his special day (aka birthday). Send your card or fansign at with the subject [HBD] GM Nhevahya Your entry should have the following information: Message IGN / Character Name Feel free to use any photo/editing/drawing application you would like. Any inappropriate content will...