Grab your chance to get one of these Fashions on Item Mall. For only 400gold This will be available until September 30, 2022 What are you waiting for grab it now!!

Grab your chance to get one of these Fashions on Item Mall. For only 400gold This will be available until September 30, 2022 What are you waiting for grab it now!!
Tired of the recent rainy days? Don't fret Heroes! For 3 DAYS , it will be raining Perfect Supplies in the Perfect Land of Pangu. Mechanics: Sun and Moon Server • For every 100 Gold worth of Item Mall Purchase, you’ll get five (5) War Avatar Catalyst. • A Bonus 1 pc Glyph Pack Lv2 for every 500 Gold worth of purchase from the Item Mall! (Max of 100 pcs Glyph Pack Lv2 per account) Example: Player 1 purchases 10 Nebular Dust Orb worth 100 Gold. He/she will receive 5 pcs War Avatar Catalyst....