Vote for September Hero of the Month

Sep 23, 2019 | Notice

You soldiers from all over Perfect World!
Now, without further ado, we would like to present your Hero of the Month candidates for the month of September!

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month YERI.jpg

IGN: Yeri
Level: 101
Class: Wu Shih


I played perfect worl last 2009 way back in college so I stopped playing because I need to focus on studies after that I came back during the  merging and had a new server of chimera .. my interest returned and made new friends, after the Perfect World came to an end it seemed like my day was not complete .. there was almost no game update but when it came back I also got the latest circle of friends .. in perfectworld I was given time to make new friends .. opposed to my personality outside the game hahaha .. so I recommend Perfect World if you want to find new friends, also lovelife too .. and forever

Why you should pick me:

I should be Hero of the month because this game is my passion. I love the idea of making new friends every day by joining random dungeon parties. Keeping people alive has always been satisfying as I play a healer in-game. I don’t focus on myself but on my surroundings as well.

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month LAFRONA.jpg

Level: 100
Class: Yu Ling


My first glance of PWPH was in January 2008, the owner of the cafe in my college school happens to be a PW player. His IGN is clark and in Dragon server. Seriously that was the first time for me to view everything in 3d in an RPG. Before that, I have been playing Ragnarok for three years and I know that there are lots of other RPGs by that time but PWPH is really a different level and an amazing world to explore. This game is highly recommended not only for those who enjoy clash and wars, this is also for everyone with passion in art. As in you can customize even the smallest details of your character’s face and all. Not to mention the insane collection of fashions and flights which totally gives you superb gaming experience quality and for people with different interests. As for me I liked to spend more time in PVE and accomplish as much quests as possible. I also want to flex the community and real friends I met in the game as one of the reasons why I’m still playing PWPH for 11 years and counting!

Why you should pick me:

My honest answer is I just had a feeling to share my experience and to become an ambassador. You know like any other RPGs, every game has its own toxic people. I believe, by sharing your kindness and just keep promoting what you love, will somehow make it a better gaming community especially for newbies.

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month HELENE.jpg

IGN: Hellene from Metanoia clan
Level: 101
Class: Yu Ling


I started playing Perfect World way back year 2008 when I was still on my elementary days, Grade 4 to be exact. I saw several official arts (Yu Ling and Fa Shih arts) behind Nescafé boxes my mother bought and decided to make them as my paper dolls, which motivated and led me to play this game at that time. I recommend this game to everyone, especially to people who is really into MMORPG and has imaginative minds. It is a fun and exciting game and it also has a good storyline and outstanding visual effects. Perfect World may be a 12-year old game but it shows that this game adapts to different changes which is very visible especially when there are new updates. Also, this game has lots of friendly players you can interact with, hailing from the different parts of the Philippines, which is a good thing and makes Perfect World unique from other on-line games. To all non-gamers and gamers who are not yet introduced to this game, trust me this game is worth a try. People are always willing to help which makes the Perfect World community a better for every player.

Why you should pick me:

Why should I be the next hero of the month? The answer is very simple. Everyone deserves to have this title. What makes me unique is that I’m friendly, helpful and has respect for everyone as my peers in-game told me. I may not be as strong, rich, known, well-versed or prestigious unlike other Yu Lings out there but I am trying my best to be of help to everyone especially those players who need my assistance, ranging from my array of healing and support spells to offensive spells. It feels good to help other players especially the newcomers, not only it can give you satisfaction but also reduces the burden and difficulty the newbies are currently facing for it is my job as a Yu Ling to aid them.

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month ANNE JO.jpg

IGN: annEjO
Level: 88
Class: Hun Ling


I start playing Perfect World since 2014. I like in the Perfect World because they have a lot of events and Perfect World have a nice graphic in all game that I played before. I always do my part as a Hun Ling, always heal and support all my party member in Tw, always help in the progress of clan merits daily. I play Gods of War before in my Facebook Account, Tiger server. Well, I can say and suggest to them that the Perfect World is the BEST game and Best Graphics done other game.

Why you should pick me:

Because I wanted to prove to them that I wasn’t the player they knew before. That I can join any event without hesitating. this is the first step…

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month YSMJ.jpg

Level: 101
Class: Yao Shou


I played Perfect  World when I was a kid in elementary school.

Why you should pick me:

Because I just want to

May 2024