August Hero of the Month Winner

Aug 13, 2020 | News, Notice

Congratulations Sultao of New Moon Server!

IGN: Sultao
Clan:  SP/\RTANS
Level: 103
Class: Yao Shou
Server: New Moon

Bio: I started playing Perfect World way back 2008 when I was still a 5th grader. I was playing in Dragon Server before. What I love in Perfect World is its complexity. Perfect World is just perfect because it offers so many adventures to explore. It’s not just about questing or dungeon hunts, it’s also about camaraderie and friendships that I have built with my guildmates. We’ve fought in territorial wars together and have fun even when we lose and celebrate like crazy whenever we win. As a Catapult puller, winning a territorial war is my greatest accomplishment for my guild. I would like to recommend Playpark Perfect World to all the players around the world to experience the best RPG Game that developers ever made. This game has a lot of adventures to explore.

Why you should pick me:  I am a person that helps someone who is in need for fairy quests and dungeons. I usually help them with no hesitation as long as I’m free. I work well in a team and it shows that I am capable of communicating efficiently with my teammates in order to achieve our objectives

May 2024