Every Monday: Celestial Tigers
The Celestial Tigers are back every Monday this month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Sun and New Moon Server Get your quest from Tiger God NPC located in Major Cities
Sword City | World: 432 887 (27) |
Beast City | World: 247 649 (26) |
Dragon City | World: 527 653 (22) |
Feather City | World: 328 426 (22) |
Vale City | World: 378 231 (24) |
Wave City | World: 659 143 (25) |
Kill a total of 8000 mobs to proceed to Summon the Celestial Tigers located outside of each City.
Kill the Celestial Tigers
Rogue Demon Tiger Break Cooridnates: 263 690(23);282 416(22);342 211(22);484 951(26);639 127(22);
Rogue Immortal Tiger Break (Coordinates: 246 629(25);344 256(22);369 421(22);430 851(22);686 120(22);
You will get a Tiger Pouch based on your Contribution.
Golden Tiger Cache Randomly gains one item:
SilverTiger Cache Randomly gains one item
Bronze Tiger Cache Randomly gains one item:
Iron Tiger Cache Randomly gains one item:
Tin Tiger Cache Randomly gains one item:
Paper Tiger Cache Randomly gains one item:
Snowman Invasion
Event start: Monday- Tuesday
December 2-3,
December 9-10,
December 16-17,
December 23-24
Snowman will appear on Perfect World Cities every Monday to Tuesday 6PM this December.
GM Catshop
Every Tuesday
Let’s Help the GM get White-Calyx Plum this Holiday season.
GM Will be online from 6:00-6:30 PM Sun a nd 6:30 – 7:00 PM New Moon
He will Buying White-Calyx Plum for 1 yuan at Granny Jin Hua on Dragon City South
All players who sold the item will be eligible for the reward.
A Character can only receive 1 reward per week.
Players who vends beside the GM will be banned for event disruption (This includes their main character)
Azure Cosmos Dust 100
Every Thursday: Silver Tournament
Join the Thursday tournament and if you’re one of the players who received a Silver Emblem you’ll get additional rewards!
The Thursday tournament will feature a rotating monthly reward, with the Manteau and Ring mats taking turns as the featured prizes.
Players who are above Level 100 after Reawakening twice can participate.
Talk to Tournament Warrior Agent (533. 632) Sign up during 19:50 – 20:00 on Thursday
Reach/Pass Silver-tier to be eligible for rewards Make sure to get a “Silver Emblem” to be eligible for rewards.
Sun & New Moon Rewards: 200 Chrono Sand
Champion: 1 Chrono Flux
Receivable once per month:
185 Arcstar Dust: Truth
25 Arcstar Dust: Mind
4 Arcstar Dust: Ether
1 Arcstar Dust: Divine
Every Friday-Sunday: Ember & Snow Boost
Let’s Celebrate Ember & Snow Launch with a Server Boost every weekend for both the Sun and Moon Servers.
Enjoy x2 Drop, x2 EXP and soul every Friday 0:00 AM to Sunday 11:59 PM.