September – Hero of the Month

Sep 30, 2019 | Notice

[PW][SEP][SNS EVENT] Hero of the Month SEPTEMBER.jpg



Congratulations to Helene of Metanoia Clan from Sun Server, our September Hero of the month!
Learn more about him:

IGN: Hellene from Metanoia clan
Level: 101
Class: Yu Ling


I started playing Perfect World way back year 2008 when I was still on my elementary days, Grade 4 to be exact. I saw several official arts (Yu Ling and Fa Shih arts) behind Nescafé boxes my mother bought and decided to make them as my paper dolls, which motivated and led me to play this game at that time. I recommend this game to everyone, especially to people who is really into MMORPG and has imaginative minds. It is a fun and exciting game and it also has a good storyline and outstanding visual effects. Perfect World may be a 12-year old game but it shows that this game adapts to different changes which is very visible especially when there are new updates. Also, this game has lots of friendly players you can interact with, hailing from the different parts of the Philippines, which is a good thing and makes Perfect World unique from other on-line games. To all non-gamers and gamers who are not yet introduced to this game, trust me this game is worth a try. People are always willing to help which makes the Perfect World community a better for every player.

Why you should pick me:

Why should I be the next hero of the month? The answer is very simple. Everyone deserves to have this title. What makes me unique is that I’m friendly, helpful and has respect for everyone as my peers in-game told me. I may not be as strong, rich, known, well-versed or prestigious unlike other Yu Lings out there but I am trying my best to be of help to everyone especially those players who need my assistance, ranging from my array of healing and support spells to offensive spells. It feels good to help other players especially the newcomers, not only it can give you satisfaction but also reduces the burden and difficulty the newbies are currently facing for it is my job as a Yu Ling to aid them.

#PlayparkPh #PerfectWorld #September #HOTM
May 2024